Tag: Betty Boo

  • RC 282: Ladies First

    RC 282: Ladies First

    This is a response to the frankly whack Guardian listicle about the greatest female rappers that James (hi!) sent to me and Kirk. 4/10 – that’s not only my ‘see me after class’ score, it’s also the paltry amount I agree with. Ladies first, well last in this case. It reads like some bored intern…

  • RC 204: Vinyl Fetish

    RC 204: Vinyl Fetish

    Come back from Coachella with some Hot Easy Vinyl Action – not of the whipping feisty biker babes from hell sort, no the sort you put on a spinning platter – remember that? So this is an all-vinyl show, but having but one ‘deck’ (how that term is far too grand for my lowly USB…

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