Food poverty 30p meal Britain Isn't Eating Foodbanks microplay

Food Poverty & 30p meals

The current Tory MP to pull the ‘foodbanks are overused, you can make a 30p meal’ trick is Lee Anderson. As the TikTok video below proves, you can make a 30p meal but you’ll be very hungry and also it won’t be very nutrional nor good for you.

This has happened so often that Jack Monroe has made a career responding to these dumb claims over the years, and I immediately though of the amazing and still shocking microplay ‘Britain Isn’t Eating’ starring Katherine Parkinson and Kyle Soller, directed by Carrie Cracknell and written by Laura Wade after discussions with Jack and Amelia Gentleman, by Royal Court with the Guardian.

The reality of this microplay really stuck with me since 2014 – and it has gotten worse. And this snobbish arrogant idea that poor people cannot or won’t cook is complete bollocks – although as in the play, if you currently cannot afford the fuel – like say in a FUEL CRISIS then maybe it is cheaper to have fast food.

And Mr 30p meal’s response was to invoke a batch cooking challenge reality program from know, before fuel bills weren’t sky high? And of course everyone can cook their meals together in bulk and store them in their massive kitchens or in a large community kitchen (ooh is this Tory promoting socialism and communism?) and have £50 to spend at once. What planet is this dickhead on?

This is a total let them eat cake’ argument and I would not be said if this MP ends up the same way as the person who first said that quote (allegedly).

Food poverty is a real thing, and stupid ’30p meal’ claims by rich Tories do not change that, especially during a cost of living crisis – our energy bill went up by £30 – 34% in the last month alone. So Lee Anderson – whoever he is, it’s always a backbencher that no-one has heard of and no-one gives a fuck about – you can sit on my middle finger (food).

It is amazing how in the complete corrupt shower that is the current Conservatives, a massive Wacky Races to the deepest gutter and lowest decency (Partygate, sending refugees to Rwanda etc), he still manages to prove that somewhere, a village is missing an idiot.

(Tiktok video via Scott Cairo)


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