Brahma Supremacy Jack Kirby

Jack Kirby’s Psychedelic Lord of Light

The story behind Jack Kirby and the set designs for the film of Roger Zelazny’s ‘Lord of Light’ is a strange one, almost as strange and wonderfully psychedelic as the images themselves. The intended film and theme park never happened, but the set designs were borrowed for what became the Iran hostages “Canadian Caper’ and that film, which won’t get the linkjuice (still annoyed about the lies about the British and downplaying the Canadian involvement). Still not Jack’s fault…or even knowledge that the designs were used, I suspect.

Royal Chambers of Brahma jack Kirby

The Hindu gods meet science fiction reminds me not only of classic psychedelia, but of visionary art or even an acid version of the Pinball Count! Shame these never made the light (heh) of day.

So Heavy Metal is featuring the prints, colored by Mark Englert in the latest edition, and some very expensive and limited prints – which would set you back $2,500 for the whole set in blacklight inks, which can only be picked up at a Conference in California. I think that’s a ‘no’ then.

Bonus fact: Zelazny was a friend of George R. R. Martin hence why ‘Lord of Light’ and Sam appear in Game of Thrones.

Jet Tube Transporter Jack Kirby


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