Tag: Ronald Reagan

  • Paranoia in America

    Paranoia in America

    As you might have guessed from the last post I’ve been revisiting past eras to find music of resistance for today – the UK and Trump situation isn’t a new one, resisting Thatcher, Nixon, Reagan and Bush v1 and v2 created a lot of music pertinent to today. One of those is The Au-Pairs with…

  • Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

    Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead

    The ‘revisionist’ history starts here, like with her evil buddy Reagan, but good news that Thatcher is dead. Enjoy your stay in hell. For those who don’t know who Thatcher was, or understand the hate, well, you need to do some research on how she intentionally destroyed the North to get rid of the unions,…

  • Reaganomics


    Not seen this video for Killer Mike’s Reagan, the only track I liked off that LP (which ironically I didn’t like for the very ‘Ballin / Dancin’ reasons expressed within this track) but it does correctly express some of the history of the crack wars – and problems within hip-hop. You think it’s all a…

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