Tag: Pussy Riot

  • RC 383: Cha Cha Charles / House Proud

    RC 383: Cha Cha Charles / House Proud

    Royal Blood is in the air – from that band to musically eviscerating King Charles III and his Coronation with some Royalty Free Music, after we Cha Cha Cha our way around Eurovision, kick off Pride month and pay tribute to Tina Turner who sadly recently died. She was a legend. Disco, punk, hiphop, indie…

  • Alan Turing pardoned

    Alan Turing pardoned

    (Decoding Alan Turing by tsevis, Creative Commons) We’ve long campaigned for the pardoning of Alan Turing on this blog, so glad to hear that as of today he is pardoned. 61 years too late, and why did it take so long? At least now the record is expunged, and that along with the freeing of…

  • What would Pussy Riot Do?

    What would Pussy Riot Do?

    To change the world the biggest hint is Art is the one that convinces That’s why they always try to buy it But they couldn’t buy off Pussy Riot… You want bands who want sell you things Or bands who want to tell you things?… Heart inspires Art inspires Pussy Riot shows me why Cos…

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