Tag: Member of the European Parliament

  • Leave lies analysed

    Leave lies analysed

    Yes I know Gove said worryingly that people have had enough of experts (obviously just stabbing others in the back is somehow better?) but here Professor Michael Dougan, leading EU lawyer goes through the Leave campaign lies and reveals that deception happened on an ‘industrial scale’. Some are saying ‘why bother raking this up?’ even…

  • Just vote – no vote is wasted

    Just vote – no vote is wasted

    Tomorrow it’s the Local and European elections for many people in the UK. Here’s a non-party political from Eddie Izzard with one important message: VOTE. Doesn’t matter for who, although I’d really not recommend UKIP because not only it’s most likely against your interests, they’re a bunch of racists, sexists, homophobe and rich bankers who…

  • Ding Dong The Wicked ACTA is Dead!

    Ding Dong The Wicked ACTA is Dead!

    I spend far too long complaining about this injustice or that, so it’s nice for once have good news – European Parliament yesterday threw out the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The right decision – people will blather on about rights-holders and piracy, but a much bigger issue was how the US steamrollered this treaty (it…

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