Tag: Clothing

  • Kilt Blowing

    Kilt Blowing

    Mentioned on a Kilt forum I’m on – yes there are such things, as is Kilt Blowing which happens at Dragon Con, take one industrial leaf blower, and several men in kilts and a geek convention and this is what you get…in fits of giggles, love the zombie one!

  • SOPA act protest causes GoDaddy to back down

    SOPA act protest causes GoDaddy to back down

    Those who follow me on Twitter/Facebook or very tech-eagle-eyed might have noticed that my domain host changed for Radio CLash a few days ago to host in the Bahamas. Reason for this was growing upset with GoDaddy, my previous host whose CEO not only makes RyanAir’s CEO look warm and fuzzy (elephant hunting!??) but they…

  • Victorian Technics

    Victorian Technics

    More wikki wikki wikk-ahh with your Strauss, Sir? No it’s actually isn’t some Victorian wheels of steel for laying down some crinoline skills on the (bees) wax, but the Gaumont Chronophone System of 1910 for continuous playback for films. Still, nice idea thinking of b-boys with bowlers and turntablists with top hats, isn’t it? Or…

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