72 cover music mashup mix

Where were you on 72? What Girl Talk SHOULD sound like.

72 cover music mashup mix

Yes it’s finally here – 72, the pass-the-parcel mashup project, inspired by our very own Boot in 60 Seconds has reached 72 minutes and is thus finished!

72 cover music mashup mixThis is basically what Girl Talk SHOULD sound like, done by people who actually understand mashups rather than spending more time on their haircut. Cue Girl Talk lovin’ haterz 😉 Bring it on! Anyway 72 has the same sort of 30 seconds-and-it’s-gone hyper-ritalin ADD and ‘remember this?’ nostalgia silliness and madness, but most of it by and large works far better than 99.999% of mixes in this genre.

Includes remixage from:

Lee Spoons, Instamatic (tis me!), World Famous Audio Hacker, Celebrity Murder Party, Eddie Pedalo, pomDeter, Irn Mnky, RadioFace, JamieCG74, GaraGara and MadMixMustang.

Each mashup artist had 72 hours to complete their section, and it features contributions by yours truly. Go give it love over at GYBO or download it here. Thanks to 10000 Spoons for hosting, Pomdeter for the idea and great artwork and Pom and Eddie Peddlecar for mix-wrangling and organising a great project!


2 responses to “Where were you on 72? What Girl Talk SHOULD sound like.”

  1. Raggamofyn avatar

    Ahhhh this mix makes me feel good about loving music. I dig it. Thankee.

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