podcasting car crash Ken and Squip

Podcrash: Podcasters and Cars don’t mix?

No this isn’t some rant about commute casting (which I like ;-), but the sad news that after Dave McDowell’s recent car accident, now Ken from the Ken and Squip Show has been in a car accident. 🙁 😮

Love to both, I hope Ken is OK but I am starting to wonder if podcasters should avoid the infernal combustion engine in the near future…


2 responses to “Podcrash: Podcasters and Cars don’t mix?”

  1. KensterJ avatar

    Thanks Tim! I shall survive yet another horrific crash. The car is another matter. And the day I avoid internal combustion engines will be sad for me indeed as I am a totally addicted car enthusiast. Each one is a child that I baby and polish until the neighbors think I should be worried about obsessive compulsive disorders. So the uncertainty over the fate of the vehicle (which is no longer made and can’t be replaced) is by far more annoying than this silly cast thing on my left arm…


  2. tim avatar

    glad to hear you’re well, apart from your arm that is…

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